Better Movement and More Relaxation
We received this note from Ashley King who recently got a Thera-Tree® to use on her horse “Carlos”:
“Hi Tad,
I’m reaching out because I recently subscribed to the Thera-Tree and I think it’s a fantastic product. I’ve had it for less than a week but I can absolutely see the effects it has on my horse in terms of relaxation. I have a 9 year old Holsteiner who does the 3’3” Performance and the 3’3” A/Os who benefits from regular massage and chiropractic work and he took to the Thera-Tree right away! He immediately felt looser under saddle from the first trot steps we took. He’s also rather grumpy on the ground, and in his stall and with the Thera-Tree on, he is much happier—a wonderful thing!" -Ashley King
Ashley also sent this photo of Carlos relaxing while wearing the Thera-Tree. (*Tad would like to add that with longer crossties, this horse could lower his head more to experience more stretching of the topline as he relaxes.) If you would like to try a month-long Thera-Tree® rental for your horse, click here.
Instagram, April 7th, 2019
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