Thera-Tree® helps mare with swayback

It’s amazing how quickly a horse’s shape can change, given the right set of opportunities.

This success story was sent to us by Sally Harvey, of Ocala, Florida, whose Equine Bodywork protocol includes the Thera-Tree ®. This 13 yr. old Arabian mare presented with extreme sway back. After 18 days-- just a relatively short period of time-- the changes to her topline are remarkable, and the owner reports that the mare has a much happier demeanor.

Thanks to Sally’s integrative approach, which utilizes the Thera-Tree's ® ability to reduce inflammation, tightness, and stiffness in muscles along the topline, as well as offering mental relaxation and cellular healing, this mare has made a rapid transformation both physically and mentally.

Arabian Mare with Swayback

Note the arched curve of the back- before Thera-Tree ®


Arabian Mare with normal back after Theratree

Note the normal curve of the back after Thera-Tree ®


And it’s more than just the physical improvement that you see in the shape of the horse’s body. Her owner reported that the mare, who had been difficult to catch prior to the work, now comes running when she sees the owner at the gate and has a much happier attitude.

The “before” photo was taken after the first bodywork session. She subsequently wore the Thera-Tree ® every day for 18 days, beginning on the day of the first photo.

During this time, she also received 3 myofascial release sessions about a week apart, plus one CL 4 laser session at the second myofascial session.

The “after” photo was taken after the third bodywork session.

“I feel that daily use of the Thera-Tree ® was instrumental in the recovery of this mare.” -Sally Harvey, CESMT

If you are interested in exploring the positive changes of Thera-Tree ® with your horses, go to to sign up for a 1 month rental (contract free) or call Tad (434) 989-3229 to learn more about what non-invasive Thera-Tree ® treatment has done to help horses with kissing spine, sway back, and a host of other conditions.

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