Thera-Tree ® and SmartRide Rx visit Hopewell Farms
Tad and Kelly recently had an opportunity to share ways to help horses be happy in the partnerships with their riders and more at ease in their work. They visited Hopewell Farm in Friendship, MD and shared Tad’s latest technologies that do that just that: the Thera-Tree ® and his latest saddles with SmartRide Rx Saddle Technology. Tad also introduced his ideas on equine grounding and used his ‘Freed of Charge’ Grounding Girth with the Thera-Tree ® (Look for a separate post coming soon with more about equine grounding.)
The session started out with horses being briefly ridden in their regular tack, with their usual riders up, so that spectators and participants could all see a baseline for where they started. Then Tad had riders dismount and untack. The horses stood in Thera-Trees ® with ‘Freed of Charge’ Grounding Girths while Tad spoke about the development of his technologies and how his research with many horses has led him to his discoveries.
The session started out with horses being briefly ridden in their regular tack, with their usual riders up, so that spectators and participants could all see a baseline for where they started. Then Tad had riders dismount and untack. The horses stood in Thera-Trees ®with ‘Freed of Charge’ Grounding Girths while Tad spoke about the development of his technologies and how his research with many horses has led him to his discoveries.
Tad and Kelly recently had an opportunity to share ways to help horses be happy in the partnerships with their riders and more at ease in their work. They visited Hopewell Farm in Friendship, MD and shared Tad’s latest technologies that do that just that: the Thera-Tree ® and his latest saddles with SmartRide Rx Saddle Technology. Tad also introduced his ideas on equine grounding and used his ‘Freed of Charge’ Grounding Girth with the Thera-Tree ® (Look for a separate post coming soon with more about equine grounding.)
The session started out with horses being briefly ridden in their regular tack, with their usual riders up, so that spectators and participants could all see a baseline for where they started. Then Tad had riders dismount and untack. The horses stood in Thera-Trees ® with ‘Freed of Charge’ Grounding Girths while Tad spoke about the development of his technologies and how his research with many horses has led him to his discoveries.
The session started out with horses being briefly ridden in their regular tack, with their usual riders up, so that spectators and participants could all see a baseline for where they started. Then Tad had riders dismount and untack. The horses stood in Thera-Trees ®with ‘Freed of Charge’ Grounding Girths while Tad spoke about the development of his technologies and how his research with many horses has led him to his discoveries.
One of the more remarkable changes happened with the horse shown in the above picture, shown standing quietly, soft and relaxed. The gelding started out quite high-headed and tense in the beginning but after wearing the Thera-Tree ®, and being “grounded,” he was much quieter and more at ease. After this he was tacked up and ridden in Tad’s latest SmartRide Rx saddle, which has the same technology as in the Thera-Tree ®, and he went very softly.
The next two pictures show a TB mare that started out quite tense and difficult, but who responded very well to being grounded and having a change in her tack. The mare initially presented many typical resistances that many ex-racehorses have, but then clearly demonstrated that the use of the Thera-Tree ®, the grounding girth, and Tad’s saddle made a really big difference to her. You can see a completely different look in her eye when comparing her photos: photo with her owner is how she started out, photo with Tad up in in his saddle, and after grounding session with the Thera-Tree ®.
The mare before the Thera-Tree ® and grounding.
The mare after Thera-Tree ® and grounding
We applaud everyone who takes the time and makes the effort to reclaim a TB. These noble horses have a sensitivity level that holds people to a high standard, and across the board they seem particularly grateful for Tad’s Thera-Trees ® and his SmartRide Rx saddles.
The Thera-Tree ® is a non-riding therapeutic device that imparts an electromagnetic field of beneficial far infrared light. The typical relaxation responses that horses show as they relax while wearing the Thera-Trees ® tell us that they welcome therapy from this spectrum of invisible light waves. The grounding girth that goes with the Thera-Tree ® offers horses a way to reestablish energy equilibrium in our modern energy environment that is over-saturated with non-native blue light emissions. Our explanation is this: Horses are now exposed to more electromagnetic frequencies from cell phones and towers, radio and WiFi waves, and sources of artificial light than ever before. This environment is greatly in contrast to the world horses have historically lived in through the ages, and through Tad’s ever-evolving technologies, we have a way to help our horses better navigate its complexities.
After the Demo, trainer Kelsi Peterson said “Tad’s demonstration was very informative, and we learned a lot. I think people really saw the difference that the SmartRide Rx technology made on the different horses. We have a few that tend to be stiff and a little uneven starting off. These horses were moving more freely. The ones that were edgy and tense became more and more relaxed. For me, it’s really about the knowledge that my horses are comfortable.”
Thanks to generous Demo hosts and trainers like Kelsi who, like Tad, are always seeking the best things we can offer to our horses, we are able to get Tad Coffin Tech in the hands of more horsemen who can improve the lives of our equine friends. If you are intrigued about how the Thera-Tree ® and “grounding” for horses could change some resistances you’re seeing, give Tad a call at (434) 989-3229.
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