Thera-Tree® Therapy Brings Bella Up to 85% of Normal Spine Function.
This is a letter received from the owner of Bella- Patsy Richards. This is what she has to say about the miraculous improvement in Bella's kissing spine condition.
Miracle. That’s all I can say as I trot my mare. This is Bella. This is the horse who had become so unrideable that two months ago I had discussed euthanasia with my vet. This is the foxhunter prospect I bought with great optimism and then carried for two and a half years of countless vet bills, supplements, saddle fittings, osteopathy, massage therapy, hock injections, consultation with horse whisperers and behavioral experts. And almost no riding. This is the horse we finally x-rayed and found had a clear case of Kissing Spine.
This is Bella moving freely and willingly under saddle. After only eighteen days of consistent use of the Thera-Tree and riding in Tad’s saddle her next set of x-rays were described by my vet as bringing her within 85 percent of normal spine function.
This is Bella now after just over two months of continued riding and Thera-Tree “therapy”. Back home and greeting the dawn in her field, lounging contentedly in her stall, heading out calmly for the morning’s work. This is Bella. Walking during the warm up not the least bit concerned about the other mare calling out, not troubled by the workmen using tools and making noise. Trotting with all the softness and confidence of the best riding partner. This is Bella who had become frantic at being left behind, who had refused to walk down to the ring, who had chewed on fences and was fearful of almost everything.
In case you have assumed that it is Olympic Gold Medal riding that explains Bella’s improvement you are wrong. I’m no Tad Coffin—I’m just an average lifelong foxhunter with no advanced or sophisticated riding skills. And this is Bella. Moving just as comfortably under saddle with me back home as she did in Ruckersville with Tad. It’s not the rider—it’s the combination of Thera-Tree and saddle. There is no question that Tad’s excellence in riding played a critical role. Each time he rode he urged Bella to explore bending and moving her body in ways that had previously generated pain. In doing this she learned to forget the pain and regained her confidence. But in truth, with a Thera-Tree and Coffin performance saddle any of us can achieve a similar result. It may take a bit longer but it’s equipment not the rider.
We’ve all heard testimonials that challenge credulity—I’m now riding and enjoying one every day. This is Bella. And this is Thera-Tree and SmartRide.
-Patsy Richards
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