Pago and Butters Thera-Tree Update

We caught up with Melissa Walker for updates about how the Thera-Tree has been working for her two horses, Pago and Butters.
Pago, the 11 yr old OTTB with ulcers that we wrote about in the June 9, 2021 post, has recently had a clear scoping. He’s been on no further prescription ulcer medications or any anti-anxiety supplements. Thanks to great management and the wellness imparted by daily use of the Thera-Tree, his behavior on the ground and under saddle has completely turned around, too.
“Before starting with the Thera-Tree, he was so anxious you couldn’t do anything with him. I had tried anti-anxiety supplements to no avail. He used to be hard to load. He used to freak out at day shows. You would not believe how much the Thera-Tree has helped him with his anxiety. Everybody who seems him is very impressed with his behavior. People who used to know him ask if we have gotten a new horse! He’s just calm and chill like a 30 year old Quarter Horse.
“Since using the Thera-Tree, we have attended a 2-day clinic as well as an overnight show at Tryon International Equestrian Center. He wore the Thera-Tree for shipping and while we were there, he kept it on him pretty much all the time he wasn’t being ridden. He did great at the show and was 1st and 3rd at Training level with his junior rider.
“Now that he is rideable, trainable, and traveling with him is so much less problematic, we look forward to showing more this year!”
Melissa also uses the Thera-Tree for Butters, the 14 yr old Haflinger who suffers from anhidrosis and was the subject of our August 21, 2021 post. Equine anhidrosis is a condition where horses have trouble thermoregulating thorough normalized sweating. Managing anhidrosis is a real challenge, especially in summer weather. Riding “no-sweaters” in heat and humidity can be dangerous since they cannot properly cool themselves by sweating. Veterinarians have not found effective ways to really help horses with this affliction.
The Thera-Tree is having an immediate and significant impact on horses with anhidrosis. They produce sweat within their first session of wearing it. While we are not sure exactly why, we do know that one of the principal effects of the Thera-Tree is that it improves hydration. Water is key to the cellular functioning of every system of the body including the digestive, lymphatic, nervous, and musculoskeletal systems. One of the benefits of the Thera-Tree is that it normalizes sweating, perhaps because the body is able to use water more efficiently.
Melissa says “Butters has been sweating like a normal horse ever since he started wearing the Thera-Tree daily last summer. By the end of the summer, he was doing so well that he was able to attend the Jovee Pony Championships, which was a three-day show and my ride times were in the peak of 100+ degree heat and humidity. Before the help of this technology, I could not have even considered showing in the summer before. It would not have been physically possible. I had tried ALL the things to try for a no-sweater, including Guinness and supplements, and the Thera-Tree is the only thing that has worked.
“Wearing the Thera-Tree before and after his rides helped Butters with his hydration so much that he handled the conditions just fine. He sweated normally, performed very well at First Level and ended up Reserve Champion in the under saddle performance section. He even sweated on his face!”
In the winter, Butters wears the Thera-Tree every other day for health maintenance. He is training some Second Level movements and she looks forward to being able to show him throughout the upcoming year. Melissa says “I used to avoid riding him in the heat of the summer and I could only plan shows in the cooler months. I’m looking forward to having more chances to show!”
What’s even better? Because one Thera-Tree is shared among 5 horses in the barn, the bill for the monthly rental of the therapy device is split four ways among the horse owners. “So, for each horse, it ends up costing less than a month’s worth of supplements that were not making much of a difference, anyway,” Melissa says.
“It’s simple to use, and you don’t have to watch over them. You can put it on and then go do something else.” In Melissa’s case, Pago wears it overnight, and then in the day it is in circulation with her trainer’s horse, one other horse in the barn, and Butters every other day in winter. “They each get a turn wearing the Thera-Tree before they are ridden. The time they wear it varies, sometimes it is for about 30 minutes, sometimes for a couple of hours, but they all benefit from it.”
If you and your barnmates would like to see what positive changes a Thera -Tree can bring to your stable, give Tad a call at (434) 989-3229. You can ask any questions about Thera-Tree or our month to month, contract free Thera-Tree subscription.

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